Node.js: Setup Different Configuration Settings for Development & Production Server

This article shows how you can set up different configuration files for different servers like a production server or development server. For example, we can have different database configuration settings for development server and production server. If we write the database config settings (hostname, username, password) in the single file then we have to manually … Read more

Magento: System Configuration with Tab for Custom Module

This article shows how to add system configuration (System -> Configuration) menu with menu tab for your custom module. Let us suppose, you have already created a local module. Module Namespace: Chapagain Module Name: News Here is a step-by-step guide:- 1) Create app/code/local/Chapagain/News/etc/system.xml with the following code:- <?xml version="1.0" ?> <config> <tabs> <news translate="label" module="news"> … Read more

php.ini : Most commonly used php directives

Below are the most commonly used php directives. You have to change php.ini file in order to configure php settings. This just means changing these directive’s option and value. 1) short_open_tag = Off Allow the many servers don’t support short tags. 2) max_execution_time = 30 Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds 3) error_reporting … Read more

How to find php version and php.ini file location path?

We can view the php settings by creating a php file in our web root with the following code: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Let the name of the file be phpinfo.php The file location will be: /var/www/phpinfo.php (For Linux) C://xampp/htdocs/phpinfo.php (For Windows with Xampp) C://wamp/www/phpinfo.php (For Windows with Wamp) Open http://localhost/phpinfo.php in your browser in your … Read more

Configuration error on new Magento installation

Scenario: < p style=”text-align: justify;”>I am installing a fresh magento in my Windows XP computer. I have Xampp installed. While installing magento, I had a problem at the configuration step where I had to fill database host, username, password etc. When I click continue after filling the required fields, the installation process doesn’t move … Read more