Magento: System Configuration with Tab for Custom Module

This article shows how to add system configuration (System -> Configuration) menu with menu tab for your custom module. Let us suppose, you have already created a local module. Module Namespace: Chapagain Module Name: News Here is a step-by-step guide:- 1) Create app/code/local/Chapagain/News/etc/system.xml with the following code:- <?xml version="1.0" ?> <config> <tabs> <news translate="label" module="news"> … Read more

Magento: Admin Controller Override

I had to override adminhtml controller class (Mage_Adminhtml_System_ConfigController) with my module’s controller class (MyNamespace_MyModule_ConfigController). It was really tough to find the right solution. I googled, searched in magentocommerce forum and found a lot of solutions. But they didn’t work for me. After searching & trying more, I got some work done with the following piece … Read more

Magento: Access denied in admin of custom module

I was building a custom module in Magento. I had created a system.xml file for storing configuration data from admin. From the below system.xml file, you can see that I have created a section named ‘My Module Name‘ which can be accessed from Admin –> System –> Configuration. In the file below, I have just … Read more