WordPress: Archive link not working


My archive link is not working in my WordPress blog. Precisely saying, the date-based archive is not working. I am redirected to 404 page when I try to access Yearly Archive or Monthly Archive.

Cause & Solution:-

The main cause for this problem (in my case) was “Robots Meta Plugin“.

This plugin makes it easy to add the appropriate meta robots tags to pages, disable unused archives, nofollow unnecessary links as well.

More about this plugin:- http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/robots-meta/

I had installed “Robots Meta” Plugin in my WordPress blog and I had checked “Disable the date-based archives” from its configuration settings. I unchecked “Disable the date-based archives” and my problem is solved. Now, the date-based archive links are working fine.

– Login to WordPress admin
– Search for “Robots Meta”. Probably, it is under Plugins or Settings Menu.
– Click the “Robots Meta” link
– You will not be at “Robots Meta Configuration” page
– Under “Archive settings”, uncheck “Disable the date-based archives” checkbox
– Save Settings

You are done. Now, your site’s archive links should start working.

Hope this helps. Thanks.