LaTeX: Better Print Quality Font with Charter

The default font displayed in LaTeX document is good but if you want a better font which looks better in display and while printing then you can try Charter package. This package uses the charter font. You can simply use the charter package and your LaTeX document font will change automatically. Here is a sample … Read more

LaTeX: Roman numbers in enumerate list and adjust space between list items

In the enumerate list, the numbering by default is in Arabic form (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.). You might need to show these numbering in romanized form (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.). To do so, you need to use enumitem package. This package pro­vides user con­trol over the lay­out of the three ba­sic … Read more

LaTeX: Fix for Backward Quotation Mark

In LaTeX, if you write quotation (punctuation) marks in a normal way then you will get into a problem. Normally we write words with quotation as: “Your words”. This is displayed as ”Your words” in LaTeX (both opening and closing quotes facing the same side). The proper way of writing quotation in LaTeX is: `Your … Read more

LaTeX: Numbering subsubsection and showing it in Table of Contents

By default, the \subsubsection heading has no numbering and it is also not shown in the Table of Contents. To put numbering and to show the subsubsection in table of contents, we need to define the counter value of tocdepth and secnumdepth in the preamble of your LaTeX document using \setcounter. Here is the sample … Read more

LaTeX: Remove Chapter Name and Number

By default, your LaTeX document has a Chapter name (Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.) for each chapter. If you want to remove such chapter name from your document, then you can use titlesec package and define the titleformat in order to hide the chapter title. Below are two code samples: one which shows the chapter … Read more

LaTeX: Add List of Abbreviations / Nomenclature

You might need to print the list of symbols or list of abbreviations for your LaTeX document. nomencl package can be used for this purpose. You need to load the nomencl package in the preamble of your document. The command \makenomenclature will instruct LaTeX to open the nomenclature file filename.nlo corresponding to your LaTeX file … Read more

LaTeX: Include and Scale SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Image

Here is a step-by-step guide on including and scaling SVG image on LaTeX. 1) Download and install Inkscape: 2) Suppose, I have an SVG image named image.svg. Run the following command that exports your SVG image to PDF and LaTeX format. inkscape -D -z –file=image.svg –export-pdf=image.pdf –export-latex This will create two new files named … Read more