Magento 2: Recent Order not showing in Sales Order Grid

You place an order from frontend and expect it to be displayed in the Sales -> Orders grid in the Magento backend. But, you don’t see your recent order in the sales order grid. Cause This is because Magento uses Scheduled Grid Updates. The order related grids (order, invoice, shipment, credit memo) are updated via … Read more

Magento: Add new column to Product Grid in Admin

This article shows how you can add new columns to product grid (Catalog -> Manage Products) in Magento 1.x admin. For this, you need to rewrite/override the Adminhtml’s catalog_product_grid block class. Here is the block override code to be written in your module’s config.xml file: YourCompany/YourModule/etc/config.xml <global> <blocks> <yourmodule> <class>YourCompany_YourModule_Block</class> </yourmodule> <adminhtml> <rewrite> <catalog_product_grid>YourCompany_YourModule_Block_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_Grid</catalog_product_grid> </rewrite> … Read more

Magento: Add new column to Customer Grid in Admin

This article shows how you can add new column to customer grid in Magento 1.x admin. In this example, we will be adding a fetching the fax field value from customer’s billing address and showing in the customer grid in Magento admin. For this, you need to rewrite/override the Adminhtml’s customer_grid block class. Here is … Read more

Magento: Add New Column to Sales Order Grid in Admin

This article shows how you can add new columns to sales order grid in Magento 1.x admin. For this, you need to rewrite/override the Adminhtml’s sales_order_gird block class. Here is the block override code to be written in your module’s config.xml file: YourCompany/YourModule/etc/config.xml <global> <blocks> <yourmodule> <class>YourCompany_YourModule_Block</class> </yourmodule> <adminhtml> <rewrite> <sales_order_grid>YourCompany_YourModule_Block_Adminhtml_Sales_Order_Grid</sales_order_grid> </rewrite> </adminhtml> </blocks> </global> … Read more

Magento: Hide Column from Admin Grid

Here is a quick tip to hide any column from admin grid in Magento. Hiding columns in admin grid becomes necessary when you want those particular columns in exported csv or xml file but you don’t want to display them in the admin grid. You can hide columns from admin grid by setting column_css_class and … Read more

Magento: How to search or filter by multiselect attribute in admin grid?

Suppose you have a multi select attribute and you have displayed it in admin grid. You have displayed the multi select attribute options as selection list. Now, you want to filter/search the grid by the multiselect attribute. The problem here is that the multiselect attribute value is store as comma separated value in database. When … Read more