Magento: Product Edit Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Scenario: While editing product programatically from frontend. I was trying to change the status of the product with the following code. I was trying to disable the product. Status value 2 = Disabled. // Trying to disable the product // $product->getId() = PRODUCT ID Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getId())->setStatus(2)->save(); Problem: Product could not be edited programatically from frontend. The … Read more

Configuration error on new Magento installation

Scenario: < p style=”text-align: justify;”>I am installing a fresh magento in my Windows XP computer. I have Xampp installed. While installing magento, I had a problem at the configuration step where I had to fill database host, username, password etc. When I click continue after filling the required fields, the installation process doesn’t move … Read more

PHP extension error while installing Magento

I was installing Magento in my Windows XP computer. I am using Xampp. I encountered the following errors during the installation. < p style=”text-align: justify;”>PHP Extension “curl” must be loaded PHP Extension “mcrypt” must be loaded PHP Extension “pdo_mysql” must be loaded I googled and the answer was to load the extension in php.ini … Read more