Set up PHP Development Environment with Docker

This article shows how you can set up a PHP development environment using Docker. We will be installing PHP, MySQL & Nginx, and PHPMyAdmin in the docker containers. Here’s a basic introduction to docker and docker tools & terminologies: Introduction to Docker and its Tools & Terminologies. Pre-requisites Docker should be installed on your machine: … Read more

Recommender System using JAVA & Apache Mahout

Apache Mahout is a project of Apache Software Foundation. Mahout helps building scalable Machine Learning applications. It primarily focuses in the areas of Collaborative Filtering, Classification, and Clustering. Here is a very nice video tutorial on Mahout Item Recommender Tutorial using Java and Eclipse. It thoroughly explains about how to use Movielens dataset and create … Read more

Ubuntu: Installing Apache, PHP, MySQL & phpMyAdmin

Here are step-by-step commands about installing apache, php, mysql, and phpmyadmin on ubuntu. 1) Open Terminal – Press: CTRL + ALT + T 2) Install Apache – In terminal, type: sudo apt-get install apache2 – To test if Apache installation, Open browser and type: http://localhost – It should show text: It Works! 3) Install PHP … Read more

Apache Virtual Host and Setting it up on Ubuntu Linux

The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site (such as and on a single machine. Virtual hosts can be “IP-based“, meaning that you have an IP address for each web site, or “name-based“, meaning that you have more than one web site per IP address. The … Read more