Configuration error on new Magento installation

Scenario: < p style=”text-align: justify;”>I am installing a fresh magento in my Windows XP computer. I have Xampp installed. While installing magento, I had a problem at the configuration step where I had to fill database host, username, password etc. When I click continue after filling the required fields, the installation process doesn’t move … Read more

PHP extension error while installing Magento

I was installing Magento in my Windows XP computer. I am using Xampp. I encountered the following errors during the installation. < p style=”text-align: justify;”>PHP Extension “curl” must be loaded PHP Extension “mcrypt” must be loaded PHP Extension “pdo_mysql” must be loaded I googled and the answer was to load the extension in php.ini … Read more

Multiple file upload using jQuery and PHP

This tutorial shows how easy it is to upload multiple files using jQuery and PHP. I have used jQuery MultiFile Plugin for this purpose. The input type file should have name in list format like “pic[]” and the class name of the input should be “multi”. <input type="file" name="pic[]" class="multi" /> Below is the complete … Read more

PHP: How to get working website path and directory name?

This tutorial shows site name, working directory name, etc. with the help of $_SERVER variable. Let us suppose, that our website is: 1) Get name of the website echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; OR, echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; This will print: 2) Get the path of the page you are working on echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; This will print: /test/admin/index.php … Read more

Left or Right Align your image, adsense code or other advertisement in wordpress

Suppose you want to show your google adsense in the top-left side of your post. If you simply put your adsense code in the single post page (single.php) of wordpress then the text of your post will appear below the adsense. To solve this problem, I used stylesheet property called ‘margin’. The example below is … Read more

Displaying all products and new products listing in column/grid layout – Zen-cart

Exactly before one year, I was doing a shopping cart project in Zen-cart. I had to display ‘All Products’ and ‘New Products’ listing in column/grid layout. The default layout was row layout. Then I searched if there was any addon which could help in my problem. But I couldn’t find any. The response that I … Read more

How to fix row height in zen-cart product listing?

Almost one year back, I had problem with the product display in Zen-cart. I searched for help in zen-cart forum. I started a topic over there. But at last, I myself had to post the solution on that thread.. coz, I found the solution. ;) I just wanted to include that problem and solution in … Read more