Node.js & Express Framework: Basic Introduction & Hello World Example [Beginner Tutorial]

This article shows how you can use Express Framework for creating Web based Application in Node.js. Express is a free and open-source Node.js web application framework. Create a Hello World application using Express Framework Here’s a step-by-step guide: 1) Go to the folder where you want to create your new Node.js application/module. 2) In my … Read more

Node.js: Packaging your Node.js Module/Project

This article shows how you can package your Node.js module or project using npm init command. Running this command will create a package.json file which contains all the necessary packaging information. Here’s a step-by-step guide to create package file with npm init command. 1) Open terminal/command-prompt 2) Go to your Node.js module/project directory. In my … Read more

Node.js: Create a Basic Application [Beginner Tutorial]

Node.js is an open-source runtime environment, used to build server-side and networking application using Javascript. Generally, Javascript has been used for client-side scripting. However, with Node.js, you can interact with web-server using Javascript. The APIs of Node.js are asynchronous and event-driven which helps in faster code execution. Here’s the installation instruction for Node.js. Creating Basic … Read more

AngularJS: Search & Sort Data

This article shows how you can search and sort data using AngularJS 1.x. We will be using code from previous article example. Our code contains country & their capitals name as an array and we display them using ng-repeat directive in HTML view. This is our example code from previous article: <html ng-app="myApp"> <head> <title>My … Read more

AngularJS: Working with JSON Data & HTTP Service

This article shows an example on how you can fetch JSON data from external file. First, let’s create an example of inline JSON data inside the controller. In the below code, in countryController, we have countries array containing country and capital name. In the HTML view, we have used ng-repeat directive to loop through the … Read more

AngularJS: Dependency Injection (DI)

This article shows how you can work with Dependency Injection (DI) in AngularJS 1.x application. It’s just about passing dependencies to AngularJS controller. Rest of the work on injecting dependencies is taken care by AngularJS. Dependency Injection (DI) is basically about passing a dependency object to another dependent object that uses it as a service. … Read more

AngularJS: Basic Introduction [Beginner Tutorial]

This article presents a basic introduction to AngularJS 1.x. AngularJS is a free and open source Javascript Framework. It’s a frontend web application framework maintained by Google. AngularJS follows the MVC (Model View Controller) approach of coding. Two way data-binding is a prominent feature of AngularJS which automatically synchronizes data between model and view components. … Read more

MongoDB: Basic Select, Insert, Update, Delete – CRUD [Beginner Tutorial]

MongoDB is an open-source document database. Document in MongoDB means a row or record in the database. A document contains data in key-value pairs. MongoDB is popular for it’s high performance, scalability and availability. This article shows how to perform simple select, insert, update, delete database operations in MongoDB. That’s also referred as CRUD (Create, … Read more