Magento: Setup Multiple Website

This step-by-step tutorial will guide you to create multiple websites in Magento.

I suppose that Magento is installed in the website’s root folder. Let’s assume the website URL to be Magento is already installed in Now, we will be setting up for new website from Magento admin.

Let our new website be

Create Website, Store, and Store View

1) Create Website

– Go to System –> Manage Stores
– Create Website
– Name = My Website
– Code = mywebsite
– Sort Order = 10
– Save Website

new website

2) Create Store

– Go to System -> Manage Stores
– Create Store
– Website = My Website
– Name = Main Store
– Root Category = Root Catalog

new website

3) Create Store View

– Go to System -> Manage Stores
– Create Store View
– Store = My Website -> Main Store
– Name = English
– Code = English
– Status = Enabled
– Sort Order = 10

new website

4) Change Base URL
– Go to System -> Configuration -> GENERAL -> Web
– Change ‘Current Configuration Scope’ to ‘My Website’
– Unsecure -> Base URL =

new website

5) (Optional) Change Theme: If you want different design for your new website

– Suppose your new design template and skin folder is named ‘mywebsite’
– Copy ‘mywebsite’ template folder to magento/app/design/frontend/default/
– Copy ‘mywebsite’ skin folder to magento/skin/frontend/default/

– Go to System -> Configuration -> GENERAL -> Design
– Change ‘Current Configuration Scope’ to ‘My Website’
– Themes -> Default = ‘mywebsite’
– Uncheck ‘Use Default’
– Save Config

6) Copy index.php of magento folder into your-new-website’s folder

– Open index.php of your-new-website folder
– Change

$compilerConfig = 'includes/config.php';` 


$compilerConfig = '../includes/config.php';

– Change

$mageFilename = 'app/Mage.php';


$mageFilename = '../app/Mage.php';

– Write

$mageRunCode = 'mywebsite'; // your new website's code
$mageRunType = 'website';

just before

Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType);

7) Copy .htaccess file from magento folder to your-new-website’s folder

8) Create symbolic links for the following folders:

ln -s ../your-new-website/app ./app
ln -s ../your-new-website/errors ./errors
ln -s ../your-new-website/includes ./includes
ln -s ../your-new-website/js ./js
ln -s ../your-new-website/lib ./lib
ln -s ../your-new-website/media ./media
ln -s ../your-new-website/skin ./skin
ln -s ../your-new-website/var ./var

If you don’t have shell access, then you can do this with the help of PHP as well.

define('MAGENTO_ROOT', getcwd());

$realpath = realpath(MAGENTO_ROOT . '/../your-main-website-folder'); // main website means the base website directory

symlink($realpath.'/app', './app');
symlink($realpath.'/errors', './includes');
symlink($realpath.'/js', './js');
symlink($realpath.'/lib', './lib');
symlink($realpath.'/media', './media');
symlink($realpath.'/skin', './skin');
symlink($realpath.'/var', './var');

– Write the above code in a PHP file.
– Upload it on your new website’s folder.
– Run it.
– This will create symbolic link on your new website’s folder.

That’s all.

Finally, you have created a new website for your magento shop. Your base installation can be browsed by and your new website can be browsed by

Hope this helps. Thanks.