Magento: PayPal Standard Payment form replaced by PayPal Express Checkout form in Admin Payment Settings

Problem: The PayPal Payments Standard form is missing from Payment Settings in Magento admin.

System -> Configuration -> SALES -> Payment Methods -> PayPal All-in-One Payment Solutions

PayPal Payments Standard is displayed as Payments Standard (Includes Express Checkout) and it is showing the form contents of PayPal Express Checkout. The original form of PayPal Payments Standard is missing.

I am using Magento version


Search for payment/paypal_standard/active in core_config_data table:

SELECT * FROM  `core_config_data` WHERE path = 'payment/paypal_standard/active';

If you find an entry with the path, then edit the value to 1.

UPDATE `core_config_data` set value = '1' WHERE path = 'payment/paypal_standard/active';

If you didn’t find any entry with the path, then you have to insert the path with value 1.

INSERT INTO core_config_data (config_id ,scope ,scope_id ,path ,value) VALUES (NULL , 'default', '0', 'payment/paypal_standard/active', '1' );

This should solve this issue. You should now be able to see PayPal Payments Standard in your admin payment settings page.

Hope this helps. Thanks.