Magento 2: Get Current Category & Current Product

This article shows how we can get current category and current product data in Magento 2.

Below is a block class of my custom module (Chapagain_HelloWorld). I have injected object of \Magento\Framework\Registry class in the constructor of my module’s block class.


namespace Chapagain\HelloWorld\Block;
class HelloWorld extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
        protected $_registry;
	public function __construct(
		\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,		
		\Magento\Framework\Registry $registry,
		array $data = []
		$this->_registry = $registry;
		parent::__construct($context, $data);
	public function _prepareLayout()
		return parent::_prepareLayout();
	public function getCurrentCategory()
		return $this->_registry->registry('current_category');
	public function getCurrentProduct()
		return $this->_registry->registry('current_product');

Printing current category and current product in any template (.phtml) file

// print current category data
$currentCategory = $block->getCurrentCategory();
echo $currentCategory->getName() . '<br />';
echo $currentCategory->getUrl() . '<br />';		

// print current product data
$currentProduct = $block->getCurrentProduct();
echo $currentProduct->getName() . '<br />';
echo $currentProduct->getSku() . '<br />';
echo $currentProduct->getFinalPrice() . '<br />';
echo $currentProduct->getProductUrl() . '<br />';
print_r ($currentProduct->getCategoryIds()) . '<br />';	

Using Object Manager

$objectManager =  \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();		

$appState = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\State');

$registry = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\Registry');

$currentCategory = $registry->registry('current_category');
$currentProduct = $registry->registry('current_product');

echo $currentCategory->getName() . '<br />';
echo $currentCategory->getUrl() . '<br />';

echo $currentProduct->getName() . '<br />';
echo $currentProduct->getSku() . '<br />';
echo $currentProduct->getFinalPrice() . '<br />';
echo $currentProduct->getProductUrl() . '<br />';

For more, see:


Hope this helps. Thanks.