Magento 2 API: Get CMS Pages & CMS Blocks

In this article, we will be looking into how we can get the CMS Pages & CMS Blocks in Magento 2 using its API.

  • Get CMS Page by page id
  • Get CMS Block by block id
  • Get multiple CMS Pages using SearchCriteria
  • Get multiple CMS Blocks using SearchCriteria

Anonymouse APIs Restriction

The REST endpoints to get the stores’ information falls under the anonymous APIs category. However, in the recent Magento version, those API endpoints are restricted. They need “admin” or “integration” token to authenticate.

If you need/want to bypass the token authentication for those APIs, you can disable this feature by going to:

Magento Admin > STORES > Settings > Configuration > Services > Magento Web API > Web API Security > Allow Anonymous Guest Access = Yes.


  • We will be passing the admin bearer token to authenticate the APIs.
  • This article shows how we can get the admin token in Magento: Magento 2 API: Get Admin Token

Get Single CMS Page


GET <host>/rest/V1/cmsPage/:pageId

Authentication Bearer Token:



    "id": 2,
    "identifier": "home",
    "title": "Home Page",
    "page_layout": "1column",
    "meta_keywords": "",
    "meta_description": "",
    "content_heading": "Home Page",
    "content": "",
    "creation_time": "2022-11-18 06:06:38",
    "update_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
    "sort_order": "0",
    "layout_update_xml": "",
    "custom_theme": "",
    "custom_root_template": "",
    "active": true

Get Single CMS Page using cURL Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://app.your-project.test/rest/V1/cmsPage/2' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxIiwiYWxnIjoiSFMyNxxxxx'

Get Single CMS Block


GET <host>/rest/V1/cmsBlock/:blockId

Authentication Bearer Token:



    "id": 2,
    "identifier": "contact-us-info",
    "title": "Contact us info",
    "content": "",
    "creation_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
    "update_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
    "active": true

Get Single CMS Block using cURL Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://app.your-project.test/rest/V1/cmsBlock/2' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxIiwiYWxnIjoiSFMyNxxxxx'

Get Multiple CMS Pages


GET <host>/rest/V1/cmsPage/search?searchCriteria[pageSize]=:pageSize

Authentication Bearer Token:



    "items": [
            "id": 1,
            "identifier": "no-route",
            "title": "404 Not Found",
            "page_layout": "2columns-right",
            "meta_keywords": "Page keywords",
            "meta_description": "Page description",
            "content_heading": "Whoops, our bad...",
            "content": "",
            "creation_time": "2022-11-18 06:06:37",
            "update_time": "2022-11-18 06:06:37",
            "sort_order": "0",
            "active": true
            "id": 2,
            "identifier": "home",
            "title": "Home Page",
            "page_layout": "1column",
            "meta_keywords": "",
            "meta_description": "",
            "content_heading": "Home Page",
            "content": "",
            "creation_time": "2022-11-18 06:06:38",
            "update_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
            "sort_order": "0",
            "layout_update_xml": "",
            "custom_theme": "",
            "custom_root_template": "",
            "active": true
            "id": 3,
            "identifier": "enable-cookies",
            "title": "Enable Cookies",
            "page_layout": "1column",
            "content_heading": "What are Cookies?",
            "content": "",
            "creation_time": "2022-11-18 06:06:38",
            "update_time": "2022-11-18 06:06:38",
            "sort_order": "0",
            "active": true
    "search_criteria": {
        "filter_groups": [],
        "page_size": 3
    "total_count": 6

Get Multiple CMS Pages using cURL Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://app.your-project.test/rest/V1/cmsPage/search?searchCriteria[pageSize]=3' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxIiwiYWxnIjoiSFMyNxxxxx'

Get Multiple CMS Blocks


GET <host>/rest/V1/cmsBlock/search?searchCriteria[pageSize]=:pageSize

Authentication Bearer Token:



    "items": [
            "id": 1,
            "identifier": "footer_links_block",
            "title": "Footer Links Block",
            "content": "",
            "creation_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
            "update_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
            "active": true
            "id": 2,
            "identifier": "contact-us-info",
            "title": "Contact us info",
            "content": "",
            "creation_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
            "update_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
            "active": true
            "id": 3,
            "identifier": "sale-left-menu-block",
            "title": "Sale Left Menu Block",
            "content": "",
            "creation_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
            "update_time": "2022-11-25 15:45:23",
            "active": true
    "search_criteria": {
        "filter_groups": [],
        "page_size": 3
    "total_count": 17

Get Multiple CMS Blocks using cURL Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://app.your-project.test/rest/V1/cmsBlock/search?searchCriteria[pageSize]=3' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxIiwiYWxnIjoiSFMyNxxxxx'

Hope this helps. Thanks.
