Magent 2: Load Configurable Product with Options pre-selected

This article shows how you can load any configurable product in Magento with the configurable options pre-selected.

We can append the Attribute-OptionValue hash value (#Attribute_ID=Value_ID) at the end of the configurable product URL.

For example, let’s suppose that the configurable product URL is:

We can add the attribute option values like this:


802 = Attribute ID
130 = Option value ID of the above attribute

805 = Attribute ID
187 = Option value ID of the above attribute

The following function can be used to generate the Attribute-OptionValue Hash.

 * Get attribute=value hash to be appended in the product URL
 * e.g. #802=130&805=187
 * #Attribute_ID=Value_ID
 * Appending hash in the configurable product URL will help in
 * auto-selecting the configurable options like color, size, etc.
 * @param $simpleProduct
 * @param $configurableProduct
 * @return string
public function getAttributeHash($simpleProduct, $configurableProduct)
    try {
        $configurableType = $configurableProduct->getTypeInstance();
        $attributes = $configurableType->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($configurableProduct);
        $options = [];
        foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
            $id = $attribute['attribute_id'];
            $value = $simpleProduct->getData($attribute['attribute_code']);
            $options[$id] = $value;
        $options = http_build_query($options);
        return $options ? '#' . $options : '';
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

Hope this helps. Thanks.