jQuery: Animate and Transfer effect with Image

I have created a bit of image animation with the Transfer effect of jQuery UI. By animation, I just mean fade in and out. But the transfer effect makes it so beautiful :).

The Transfer effect can be used with effect() method. This Transfers the outline of an element to another element. Very useful when trying to visualize interaction between two elements.

With the animate() method, I have just changed the opacity of the image. When you click the thumbnail or large image, then you can see the Transfer effect working. The images are changed with some fade in and out.

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Here is the full source code:

<title>Image transfer</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
	$(document).ready(function() {
		 *	Using transfer effect when large image is clicked
		$(".large").click(function () {  		
			var thumbRel = $(this).attr("rel");		
			$(this).effect("transfer",{ to: $(".thumbnail img[rel='"+thumbRel+"']") }, 1000);
		 * Using transfer effect when thumbnail image is clicked
		$(".thumb").click(function () { 
			 * Remove class 'current' if exists
			$(".thumbnail [class^='thumb']").removeClass("current");
			 * Add class 'current' to highlight the selected thumbnail image
			 * Change the 'rel' of large image with that of the thumbnail image
			$(".large").attr("rel", $(this).attr("rel"));				
			 * Use transfer effect
			$(this).effect("transfer",{ to: $(".large") }, 1000);
			 * Fade out the current large image
			$(".large").animate({opacity: 0.3}, 1000);
			 * The functions inside queue() is used after the above animate and other functions get completed
				 * Change the src of large image
				 * Here, thumb image is hills-thumb.jpg then large image is hills.jpg
				$(".large").attr("src", $(this).attr("src").replace("-thumb", ""));
				 * Fade in the large image
				$(".large").animate({opacity: 1}, 1000);
	.main { 
		padding: 4px; 		 
		position: relative; 
	.thumbnail { 
		padding: 10px;         
		position: relative; 
	.thumbnail .thumb {
		padding: 2px;
	.current {
		border: 1px solid red;
	.ui-effects-transfer { 
		border: 2px solid black; 
<div align="center">
   <p><strong>Click thumbnail or large image:</strong></p>
   <div class="main">
		<img class="large" src="images/hills.jpg" alt="image" rel="hills" />
   <div class="thumbnail">
	   <img class="thumb" src="images/hills-thumb.jpg" alt="image" rel="hills" />
	   <img class="thumb" src="images/lilies-thumb.jpg" alt="image" rel="lilies" />
	   <img class="thumb" src="images/sunset-thumb.jpg" alt="image" rel="sunset" />
	   <img class="thumb" src="images/winter-thumb.jpg" alt="image" rel="winter" />

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