Javascript: Array & Loop

This is a beginner tutorial on working with Javascript arrays and looping through them.

Javascript Array is a list-like object. It is used to store multiple values in a single variable.

This article deals with creating a Javascript array and using different functions on the array. We also see how we can loop through the arrays and get the values.

Create a Javascript Array

var fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'mango'];

Here, we have created an array with the name fruits. It has 3 elements (apple, orange, and mango).

Access elements of array

fruits[0]; // apple
fruits[1]; // orange
fruits[2]; // mango

Get key by value

var position = fruits.indexOf('mango'); 
console.log(position); // 2

Get position of element in the array

// i.e. get index of the item in the array
console.log(fruits.indexOf('mango')); // 2

Get size of the array

console.log(fruits.length); // 3

Change value of any particular key

// change value of 'mango' to 'banana'
fruits[2] = 'banana';
console.log(fruits); // ["apple", "orange", "banana"]

// change the value back to mango
fruits[2] = 'mango';
console.log(fruits); // ["apple", "orange", "mango"]

Check if the variable is an array

var isArray = Array.isArray(fruits);
console.log(isArray); // true

Using foreach loop

fruits.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
	console.log(index, item);
//0 "apple"
//1 "orange"
//2 "mango"

Using for loop

for (i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
	console.log(i, fruits[i]);
//0 "apple"
//1 "orange"
//2 "mango"

Add item at the end of the array

console.log(fruits); // ["apple", "orange", "mango", "banana"]

Add item at the beginning of the array

console.log(fruits); // ["grapes", "apple", "orange", "mango", "banana"]

Remove item from end of the array

console.log(fruits); // ["grapes", "apple", "orange", "mango"]

Remove item from the beginning/front of the array

console.log(fruits); // ["apple", "orange", "mango"]

Remove items/elements of the array by their position/index

// below, we delete 1st element of the array
// position = 0 (1st position), number of items to remove = 1
var removedItem = fruits.splice(0, 1); 
console.log(removedItem); // ["apple"]
console.log(fruits); // ["orange", "mango"]

Add items to array

// position = 1 (2nd item)
// remove = 0 element (don't remove any element/item)
// add two items = lemon and papayal
fruits.splice(1, 0, 'lemon', 'papaya');
console.log(fruits); // ["orange", "lemon", "papaya", "mango"]

Sort array

console.log(fruits.sort()); // ["lemon", "mango", "orange", "papaya"]

Reverse sort

console.log(fruits.reverse()); // ["papaya", "orange", "mango", "lemon"]

Convert array into string

// using toString() function which converts array into commad separated string
fruitsStr = fruits.toString();
console.log(fruitsStr); // papaya,orange,mango,lemon

// using join function where we can specify custom separator
fruitsStr = fruits.join(' | ');
console.log(fruitsStr); // papaya | orange | mango | lemon

Merge two arrays

fruitsNew = ['apple', 'banana'];
fruitsAll = fruits.concat(fruitsNew);
console.log(fruits); // ["papaya", "orange", "mango", "lemon"]
console.log(fruitsAll); // ["papaya", "orange", "mango", "lemon", "apple", "banana"]

Hope this helps. Thanks.