Smarty Template Engine: How to install and use? [BEGINNER’S GUIDE]

In this article, I will be introducing how to use Smarty Template engine. This is a beginner tutorial.

First of all, you need to download Smarty from You can follow a quickstart guide from here as well: My approach of coding is a bit different than the quickstart guide present on smarty website.

First, you download the latest version of Smarty; extract it and put it on your website. So, your Smarty path will be like:

I have the following files and directory structure:

- index.php
- classes
    ---- ConnectSmarty.class.php
- smarty_temp
    ----- templates
        ----- ---- index.tpl
    ----- templates_c
    ----- cache
    ----- configs
- smarty/... (main smarty folder)

ConnectSmarty.class.php defines the different temp directories.

 * Full path of smarty
require_once 'smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php';

 * Connection to Smarty package

class ConnectSmarty extends Smarty 
	* Defile paths to smarty directories
	* @access public
	public function __construct()

		// set default dirs

index.php assigns content and calls index.tpl file.


// create an object of the class included above
$smarty = new ConnectSmarty;

// assign content
$smarty->assign('name','Mukesh Chapagain');
$smarty->assign('address','Kathmandu, Nepal');

// display the content

index.tpl displays the content as assigned by index.php.

<title> Homepage </title>
The author of this tutorial:<br/><br/>
Name: {$name} <br/>
Address: {$address} <br/>

Hope it helps.