Git: Fork Repository to Contribute to Other’s Projects

This article shows how you can for a git repo and push your code contribution by creating a pull request (PR).

Clone vs Fork


  • Cloning is done directly to the local machine.
  • Updates made to the origin/source repository can be pulled to the local machine (local repo).


  • Forking is done from origin/source repository to your own GitHub account.
  • After that, you clone the repo from your GitHub account to your local machine.
  • Updates made to the origin/source repository are not reflected in your forked repository.
  • Fork of a public repo is not deleted if the origin/source repo is deleted.
  • Fork of a private repo is deleted if the origin/source repo is deleted.

Fork a repo

For this article, I am using this repo to create a fork:

  • To fork the repo, I will open the repo page and click the “Fork” button present in the top right corner of the page.
  • Or, I can also simply add /fork in the repo URL:

This will show a page where we can add the forked repo owner, name, and description.

Add the required fields and click on the “Create fork” button.

This will create a forked repo under your account, like this:

Clone the forked repo

You can use the SSH URL or HTTPS URL to clone.

git clone


git clone

Add remote upstream (source) repo

List remote branches

git remote -v

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Add remote upstream (source) branch

  • If you have cloned SSH URL of your fork then you have to add the SSH URL of the upstream (source) repo.
  • If you have cloned HTTPS URL of your fork then you have to add the HTTPS URL of the upstream (source) repo.

git remote add upstream


git remote add upstream

List remote repos again

git remote -v

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Create new branch

Get the latest updates from the main/master branch upstream

git checkout master
git pull upstream master

Create a new branch for your work/customization

git checkout -b your-branch-name

Add, commit & Push code

List/Check which files are changed

git status

Check diff

Check the difference in the file, i.e. see what changes are made in the file

git diff /path/to/FILENAME

So, if you want to see changes made to then,

git diff

Add file to the index (working tree)

git add

Commit your changes

git commit -m "Your commit message"

Push your changes to your forked repository

git push origin your-branch-name

Create Pull Request (PR)

After you pushed your changes to your forked repository:

  • Open your forked repo page
  • Go to “Pull Request” page
  • Click “New Pull Request” button
  • Select the base repo and branch as your upstream (source) repo and branch.
  • Select the head repo and branch as your forked (origin) repo and branch.
  • Add/Edit the pull request title and description.
  • Click on “Create Pull Request” button.

Hope this helps. Thanks.
