Ubuntu Linux: Increase decrease volume from command line & keyboard shortcut

Here are some linux commands (pactl and amixer) to increase and decrease volume. You can also use these commands to set keyboard shortcut to increase and decrease volume. pactl pactl command is used to control a running PulseAudio sound server. Increase volume by 10% pactl — set-sink-volume 0 +10% Decrease volume by 10% pactl — … Read more

Linux: Convert Video to Audio using FFmpeg

You can convert any video file to audio format (extract audio from video) with the help of FFmpeg tool. FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec – the leading audio/video codec library. Installing FFmpeg on Ubuntu Linux sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-53 Note that you … Read more

Xubuntu iBus: Unable to type in local language / No input method listed

Problem: I am using Xubuntu (lightweight version of Ubuntu) and I am unable to type in local language using iBus (an input method (IM) framework for multilingual input in Unix-like operating systems). iBus is already installed. When I go to its ‘Preferences‘ and then click the ‘Input Method‘ tab, I could only see ‘Chinese‘ language … Read more

Synapse: An alternative to Ubuntu Unity Dash

Synapse is a graphical launcher enabling you to start applications and also to quickly find and access relevant documents and files (by making use of the Zeitgeist engine). This can be a good alternative to Ubuntu Unity Dash for those who prefer lightweight and faster graphical launcher. This can also be helpful for getting Unity … Read more

SMPlayer: An alternative to VLC Media Player

SMPlayer is a free and open source media player for Windows and Linux. It is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the award-winning MPlayer. SMPlayer is a very good alternative to VLC media player. It is faster than VLC and can play almost all video and audio formats. You don’t need to download and install … Read more

Ubuntu: Creating Custom Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys are always very useful for any work. There are many built-in shortcut keys in Ubuntu Linux. Moreover, you can add your own shortcut keys according to your needs and desire. Here is the step-by-step guide to create custom shortcut keys on Ubuntu. I am using the Unity Desktop in Ubuntu. Ubuntu version 12.10. … Read more

Ubuntu Linux: Convert CHM file into PDF file

CHM (Microsoft Compiled HTML Help) is a Microsoft proprietary online help format, that consists of a collection of HTML pages and an index. CHM files are not recognized by Linux and they cannot be open using any default application. To open CHM files, you have to install CHM viewer in Linux. In my previous article, … Read more

Ubuntu Linux: How to view CHM file?

CHM (Microsoft Compiled HTML Help) is a Microsoft proprietary online help format, that consists of a collection of HTML pages and an index. CHM files are not recognized by Linux and they cannot be open using any default application. To open CHM files, you have to install CHM viewer (like xCHM) in Linux. You can … Read more