Ubuntu Linux: Get RAM, Hard disk size, Processor information

There are different ways to get RAM size, Hard disk size, processor size, etc. in Ubuntu. Here are some:- 1. From System -> Administration -> System Monitor This is kind of Task manager of Windows. You can get the system information like memory, processor and disk info. Along with that, you can see which processes … Read more

Ubuntu Linux: Change Root & Current User Password

Change current logged in user’s password Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal, then run the command below:- passwd Then, enter the current and new password and you are done. Change root password Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal, then run the command below:- sudo passwd root Type the following command to unlock the … Read more

RabbitVCS: Easy Graphical SVN & GIT version control tool for Linux

RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems you use. It supports most Subversion and Git functionality. Checkout the screenshots:- http://wiki.rabbitvcs.org/wiki/about/screenshots Download and install RabbitVCS:- http://wiki.rabbitvcs.org/wiki/download You can download and install RabbitVCS for the linux distro of your choice. I am choosing Ubuntu and … Read more