Smarty: Include header and footer template

In previous article, I had written about installing and using Smarty. In this article, I will be showing how you can include header and footer in Smarty.

index.php assigns contents and calls the template file index.tpl


// create an object of the class included above
$smarty = new ConnectSmarty;

// assign content
$smarty->assign('name','Mukesh Chapagain');
$smarty->assign('address','Kathmandu, Nepal');

// display the content

header.tpl contains the header part of html

<title> {$title|default:"no title"} </title>
<h2>Welcome to my site</h2>

footer.tpl contains the footer part of html

Copyright © Mukesh Chapagain

index.tpl contains the body of the html and it also calls header.tpl and footer.tpl. You can see that this template file also uses smarty date function to display current date.

{include file="header.tpl" title="Homepage"}

The author of this tutorial:<br/><br/>
Name: {$name} <br/>
Address: {$address} <br/>
Date: {$|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d"} <br/>

{include file="footer.tpl"}

Hope it helps.