Magento: Payment method not displayed in Multiple Shipping Adresses Checkout


I have a payment method which is displayed well in general Magento checkout. But it is not displayed in Multiple Addresses Checkout.


Please see the Model class of your payment module. The following variable should be set as true.

 * available for multi shipping checkouts
 protected $_canUseForMultishipping  = true;

Write the above variable in the Model class if it is not present. If it present then it might be set as false. Make it true.

In some Payment modules, there might be a function instead of the above variable. The function is like this:-

 * Using for multiple shipping address
 * @return bool
public function canUseForMultishipping()
	return true;

The function might be returning false. Make it true.

After doing this, you should be able to see the payment method in Multi Shipping Addresses Checkout.

Hope this helps. Thanks.