Magento: How to check if current page is homepage?

Here is a quick Magento code to check if the current page is homepage or not.

If you are in template/page/html/header.phtml template file, then you can check for homepage with the following code:

if($this->getIsHomePage()) {
	echo 'You are in Homepage!';
} else {
	echo 'You are NOT in Homepage!';

If you are elsewhere (in any other .phtml template file or in any other .php class file) then you can use the following code:

if(Mage::getBlockSingleton('page/html_header')->getIsHomePage()) {
	echo 'You are in Homepage!';
} else {
	echo 'You are NOT in Homepage!';

Below is an alternative way to check for homepage:-

$routeName = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getRouteName(); 
$identifier = Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier();

if($routeName == 'cms' && $identifier == 'home') {
	echo 'You are in Homepage!';
} else {
	echo 'You are NOT in Homepage!';

Hope this helps. Thanks.