Magento: Display Product Price Including Tax

To display/show product price including tax amount, you need to do some configuration settings.

1. Create Tax Rule

You need to create tax rules (Sales -> Tax -> Manage Tax Rules). For this, you can refer to different tutorials available over the internet on creating Tax rules.

2. Assign Tax Rule to Product

Then, you need to assign the Tax rule to product.

– Edit product (Catalog -> Manage Products)
– Go to ‘Prices’ tab
– Select your Tax rule from the ‘Tax Class’ select box
– Save the product

3. Configuration Settings to show Product Price including Tax

Now, go to configuration settings (System -> Configuration -> SALES -> Tax -> Price Display Settings -> Display Product Prices in Catalog).

You have three options there. To show product price:

a) Excluding Tax
b) Including Tax
c) Including and Excluding Tax

That’s all. Now, you should be able to see the frontend product price as per your configuration setting.

tax price magento product

If you need to display product price including tax programmatically (using programming code), then here is how to do so:

$productId = YOUR_PRODUCT_ID; // your product id number
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
$_priceIncludingTax = Mage::helper('tax')->getPrice($_product, $_product->getFinalPrice(), true);

Hope this helps. Thanks.