Magento: Different shipping rate for different country and region

Here, I will show you how you can assign different shipping rate for different country in Magento. Like, there might be different shipping rate for US and Canada. Moreover, there might be different shipping rate for various regions within US as well. Like, there might be different shipping rate for Florida and California.

In Magento, you can have this functionality pretty simply. There is a shipping method named ‘Table Rates‘. You can adjust the country specific shipping rates from it.

Here is the step-by-step guide:-

– Go to System –> Configuration –> SALES –> Shipping Methods –> Table Rates
– Select ‘Enabled‘ to ‘Yes’
– Click the ‘Save Config‘ present in top right corner of the page
– From the ‘Current Configuration Scope‘ (which is at the top left corner), choose ‘Main Website

Now, you will see as in the following figure:-

Tablerates Configuration

Click on the image to see full size

As you can see from the figure, there are three main parts:- Condition, Export and Import.

– As we are making different shipping rate for different country, so select Condition = ‘Price vs. Destination’
– Click ‘Export CSV‘ and a csv file is downloaded with the required headers like country, region, shipping price, etc.
– Fill the csv with the shipping rate and country name. For example, see the following figure:-

Tablerates CSV

– The asterik (*) in region and postal code column means that the shipping price is applicable for all regions and postal code respectively.
– The zero (0) in order subtotal means that the shipping price is applicable for all orders whose subtotal is greater than zero.
– In the last row (7th row), you can see ‘AK’ as region. Hence, comparing the 2nd row and 7th row where the country is USA, we see that the shipping price for all other US region is 10. But, the shipping price for AK (Alaska) is 15.

– Now, Import the csv you just filled.
– Click ‘Save Config‘ button present in top right corner of the page.
– You are done. The new country specific shipping rate has been saved. You can test it by checking out products from frontend.

Hope this helps. Thanks.