Magento: not displayed in Payment Information section while Checkout


I have enabled payment method but it is not displayed in Payment Information section while Checkout.


In the class Mage_Paygate_Model_Authorizenet, you will find the following variable:-

protected $_allowCurrencyCode = array('USD');

It means, the allowed currency for is only US Dollar (USD). You have to add the currency code to the above array in order to display payment for that particular currency.


Suppose, I like to display in my shop where the currency is Nepalese Rupees (NPR). Then, I have to change the variable as below:

protected $_allowCurrencyCode = array('USD', 'NPR');

Similarly, we must add more values to the array for more currencies.

It’s a better practice to override core files instead of modifying them directly. By overiding, we will have the facility to change core files without touching them. So, here I am going to override the model class Mage_Paygate_Model_Authorizenet.


My Model file will be:-

class MyNamespace_MyModule_Model_Paygate_Authorizenet extends Mage_Paygate_Model_Authorizenet
    protected $_allowCurrencyCode = array('USD', 'NPR');

Hope this helps. Thanks.