Javascript: Get Select Dropdown Option Value on Button on Click

This article shows how to get selected value from dropdown box when a button is clicked.


– There are multiple forms in a page.
– There is a dropdown select box in each form.
– The option value of the select box is website URL.
– There is a button type=button (not type=submit) in each form.
– User will select a value from the select box and click the button.
– I need to get the selected option value (which is website URL) and open the URL in new window.


Here is my sample of multiple forms.

<form name="myForm_1" method="post" >				
	<select name='urls'>
		<option value="">Homepage</option>
		<option value="">Blog</option>
		<option value="">Spiritual</option>
	<button type="button" title="Download" onclick="openLink(document.forms['myForm_1'])">
<form name="myForm_2" method="post" >				
	<select name='urls'>
		<option value="">Facebook</option>
		<option value="">Twitter</option>		
	<button type="button" title="Download" onclick="openLink(document.forms['myForm_2'])">

Here is the Javascript.

<script type="text/javascript">
	function openLink(myForm)
		var selectedIndex = myForm.elements["urls"].selectedIndex;
		var url = myForm.elements["urls"].options[selectedIndex].value;;

PS: This website is a great help for Javascript Coding –
